Our short programmes run for two weeks, and are designed for academically gifted university students from overseas. Students study and dine (and in summer live) in buildings hired from the historic colleges of Oxford. The structured schedule of classes, lectures, talks, activities and trips introduce students to British life and culture, as well as the opportunities available for postgraduate study and careers in Oxford and throughout the UK.
Our summer and winter programmes typically include:
- Lectures and talks by Oxford professors, scholars and researchers, figures in business and the arts, on academic subjects such as economics, management and finance; literature and arts; sciences, society and technology; history and politics; and a broad spectrum of topical issues.
- Workshops on opportunities for postgraduate study and careers in the UK
- Guided visits to Oxford’s historical and industrial landmarks.
- Day trip to London’s cultural sites, including the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum
- Day trip to a UK highlight location such as Windsor Castle, home of the royal family, and Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare
- Fun and social activities such as communal restaurant dinners, Oxford Ball Evening, Formal Graduation Dinner in an Oxford College Dining Hall

Course Aims
Oxford Prospects Programmes will:
- Select excellent students and provide a high standard of teaching by Oxford academics and others
- Increase your confidence in speaking English, and expect you to deliver a presentation in English
- Show you some of the UK’s principal tourist sites and attractions
- Offer opportunities to socialise with Oxford-based students and teachers
- Provide a comfortable, supportive and friendly environment in which you can form friendships with other programme participants

To apply for this programme you must:
- be aged 18 or over on the day of arrival
- be a university undergraduate or postgraduate student
- have an adequate level of English (minimum lower intermediate: approximately level B1/B2 or IELTS 5.0)
Applications are handled directly by our overseas partner universities. Please contact them directly for all questions relating to the application process, fees, etc.

Programme Locations
Oxford Prospects Programmes hires the same college facilities as experienced by Oxford’s students. We are delighted to be able to use teaching rooms and catering – and accommodation in summer – at some of Oxford’s most beautiful colleges, including:
- Wolfson College
- Wadham College
- Merifield College
- Green Templeton College
- Regents Park College
- Saint Catherines College
- Saint Hildas College
- Magdalen College
- Corpus Christi College
- Teddy Hall College
- Merton College
Accommodation for our winter programmes is in high standard hotels located a short bus ride or walk from the Colleges.